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Drag and drop the pieces from the right onto the board on the left until every row, every column and every block of 9 squares contains all numbers and all colors. Only pieces with black numbers can be moved, the white numbers define the puzzle.
If you place the same color or number twice or more in the one row, column or block, dashes will appear on the background. In that case try to find out which piece has been placed wrongly. If you don't find it you can restart the puzzle by clicking the "reset" button. (These are only the basic mistakes. It is also possible to make mistakes without violating the basic rules, but they go without warning.)
Press "new..." to go to the puzzle selection screen. With the first button that appears, you can choose between beginner and expert level. With the second button you can choose to play a random puzzle, or to specify a puzzle number between 0 and 99999999999999 (=10E13-1). Press "ok" to start the puzzle or "x" to cancel. All puzzles are different and have a unique solution guaranteed.
You probably don't have the necessary Flash player installed. Flash player 6 or higher is needed to play, you can download the latest version here.